What is Bloom's Taxonomy?
Bloom’s Taxonomy is a Tool that helps to understand the Learning Process and How to empower it effectively.
- Its name comes from the person who created it: Benjamin Bloom.
This Model suggests that the Learning Process consists of 6 Steps:
- Remember.
- Understand.
- Apply.
- Analyze.
- Evaluate.
- Create.
Bloom’s Taxonomy suggests that the optimal Learning Process must go through all these Steps.
- Starting with “Remembering” and ending with “Creating”.
The 6 Steps of Bloom's Taxonomy
1. Remember: The Beginning of any learning process is not Forgetting the Basics.
- If you can’t Remember what is Essential, you won’t Learn anything.
2. Understand: Being able to Process and Internalize that Knowledge.
- In this Second Stage, the Information “Makes Sense”.
3. Apply: The possibility to Use that Knowledge in Real Situations.
- Once the Information has been Understood, it becomes Useful.
4. Analyze: To Study Problems by using that Knowledge.
- The acquired Knowledge offers new Perspectives to Understand things.
5. Evaluate: To Judge a Situation from a thorough study of it.
- We can only judge correctly when we know the matter perfectly.
6. Create: To Propose new things that Improve what already exists.
- If we think we can do things better.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Template.
Before sharing some examples, we want to give you some Tips on How to use Bloom’s Taxonomy:
Tips on How to use Bloom's Taxonomy
Make sure you Understand the Basics.
- Understanding the Basics is Essential in every Learning Process.
Try to Apply the new Knowledge Acquired as Soon as Possible.
- Applying new knowledge is the best way to Internalize and Remember it.
When Creating new Procedures, try to Use what already Exists.
- The Best results tend to be a Combination of existing knowledge and new Approaches.
The best way to understand This Tool and how you can use it is by sharing some examples with you:
Bloom's Taxonomy examples
We will recreate a common Professional career, highlighting What Steps we go through in each Stage.
This way, you’ll better Understand How Bloom’s taxonomy works.
- Even if we don’t realize.
Let’s begin:
Remembering - Bloom's Taxonomy example
When are New in a Company or a Project, we don’t know anything.
- We feel Lost and Useless.
What do we do in this Stage?
We acquire Information about the Tasks we have to carry out.
- What we have to do.
- How we have to do it.
- Why we have to do it.
- When we have to do it.
Understanding - Bloom's Taxonomy example
Once we Remember all the Information necessary, we Start Understanding it.
- We Understand what is Expected of us.
What we do in this Stage?
We have to be sure we Understand everything.
- We clarify any doubt we may have.
- We study more the Topics involved in our daily tasks.
Applying - Bloom's Taxonomy example
Once we can Apply all the Knowledge acquired, we become Useful employees.
- Before, we were almost Useless.
What do we do in this Stage?
We do the tasks we are supposed to do.
- In the way we have been told to do.
- Nothing more, nothing less.
Analyzing - Bloom's Taxonomy example
As soon as our understanding improves, we begin to see what others don’t see.
- We analyze what we do, knowing what we do.
What do we do in this Stage?
We Start questioning Why things are done in that way.
- Could things be done in other way?
- What alternatives there are?
- Is the Process effective enough?
Evaluating - Bloom's Taxonomy example
We become “experts” when we are able to point out whether things are being done correctly or not.
- We don’t just question things, we are sure if they can be improved or not.
What do we do in this Stage?
We can Judge things properly.
- We can ensure if the Processes and Protocols work correctly.
- We can pinpoint where the main problems are.
Creating - Bloom's Taxonomy example
Finally, we become the most Useful employees in the Company.
- At this point we could be promoted to be Managers… or even CEOs.
What do we do in this Stage?
We can propose new and better ways to do thing.
- New Procedures that Improve the Results of the Company.
- New products that are Cheaper to produce and Customers like more.
Bloom’s Taxonomy is a Tool that helps to understand the Learning Process and How to empower it effectively.
It suggests that the optimal Learning Process must go through all these 6 Steps:
- Remember.
- Understand.
- Apply.
- Analyze.
- Evaluate.
- Create.
Tips on How to use Bloom’s Taxonomy:
- Make sure you Understand the Basics.
- Try to Apply the new Knowledge Acquired as Soon as Possible.
- When Creating new Procedures, Try to use what already Exists.